The default checkout for WooCommerce
is hurting you!

SellKit changes WooCommerce

from old, slow and underperforming to delightful, lightspeed and irresistible.


​​Limited sales with a
generic checkout process


Lot more sales with advanced sales funnels

Checkout for WooCommerce - Improve today!

Drag & Drop mobile-optimized funnel steps and offers that react to customer behavior and attributes

Long and confusing checkout process

Fast, simple and frictionless checkout process

Skip cart

Sticky Order Summary​

Express checkout for WooCommerce

Inline form validation instead of whole-form validation

Option to sign up with a checkbox instead of separate sign up and login pages

Auto-populated form fields such as address, state,...

Generic checkout pages with old-fashioned designs

Customized designs and forms with testimonials, reviews and more

Design your own pages and customize everything with Elementor

Quickly choose from beautiful readymade designs for cart, checkout, upset, downsell and thank you pages, all optimized for mobile without a single line of coding.

Customize the thank you page. Add and remove items that matter to you

Create different checkout processes for different products

Cart-abandon leaks in the checkout process

Abandonment-protected checkout process

Define the checkout expiration period

Pre-filled forms for returning cart abandoners

low average order value with basic checkout forms

Increased AOV with personalized order bumps
and up-sells

Unlike in the default checkout for WooCommerce, you can display personalized one-click order bumps anywhere in the checkout form based on your conditions

One-size-fits-all discounts

Personalized discounts for different user groups

Advanced dynamic discounts based on customer attributes,
geolocation, RFM score and more

Generic discount coupons & notices

coupons & notices

Auto-apply coupons for eligible segments during checkout for WooCommerce

Generate smart coupons based on customer behavior and history

Display smart notices based on customer behavior in Cart, Checkout, Catalog and product single page.

Basic analytics reports
by WooCommerce

In-depth performance
reports with
actionable insights

Track visits, bounce rate, orders, revenue, conversion rate, AOV
and more within selected timeframe

Comparative visual charts to spot the growth

1 tool instead of 5!

Save $

SellKit’s unified nature offers unprecedented value when compared to the market.

Checkout Builder
Funnel builder
One-click order bump
Upsell & downsell
In-depth analytics
& Coupons
Grand total
≈ $299/yr
≈ $60/yr
≈ $900/yr
StoreApps Smart Coupons
Rightpress Woo Dynamic Pricing Yith dynamic Pricing & Discounts
Yith cart messages
Skyverge Card Notices